2018 Annual

Presidential porn gags! Pube-licking popstars! Human cottonbuds, Bigfoot erotica and champagne breakfasts with Rick Astley! It’s all here in the Popbitch Annual 2018!

As well as our favourite stories from 2018’s mailouts, the Popbitch Annual also features:

* The Cole, Hard Truth A guide to deciphering the truth behind Cheryl Cole reportage,
* Taking Care Of Bidness A look at the celebrity side of eBay
* The Biggest Question A deeply detailed investigation into the exact dimensions of Bigfoot’s dick
* The Clean Kill An explainer of one of the tabloid tricks which is landing the some big showbiz stories now that phone-hacking has fallen out of favour

Download it here!

(.pdf, 15MB)

The Popbitch Annual 2018 is completely free to download, but if you did want to buy us a Christmas pint in exchange then we’d accept it gladly. [Chuck us a couple of quid here, if you can…]