One of the Popbitch-adjacent stories in this weekend’s media was a zoologist’s study of animal behaviour through Covid. They’d been watching Britain’s zoo baboons and, with visitation curtailed, scientists found that primates altered their behaviour patterns.
Baboons: had a lot more sex with no-one there to watch them
Chimps: ate less
Bonobos: spent more time alone
Gorillas: became more sedentary
When crowds returned, they reverted to their pre-pandemic behaviour.
The opposite, we happened to learn recently, was true of baboons out in the national parks of Uganda. National Park guards kept up daily visits to the primate troupes habituated to humans and, unlike in zoos, they reported that there was no discernible difference in their behaviour.
Particularly the baboons, who sat by the side of the road happily masturbating even when there were no tourist Land Cruisers trundling by. Exactly the same pre- and post-pandemic. |