It’s been interesting to watch the respective careers of Rita Ora and Dua Lipa. Both started out around the same time, both are Kosovar, both were teenage singing prodigies, both touted around the same labels in London – yet Rita was instantly successful, while Dua took some time to rise to megastardom.
One label exec who remembers being pitched both around the same time said Rita was immediately fun, engaging and mischievous, which meant she got picked up really quickly. Dua – although beautiful with a great voice – was a bit stiff and didn’t show much personality. Though this blank canvas element was a slow burn, they tell us, it really ended up working for her.
Hopefully her new father/manager insists on her maintaining an aloof air of mystery, because this weekend’s interview in the FT doesn’t mark her out as a rock’n’roll great. Among Dua’s thrilling confessions:
* She has a huge collection of mugs
* She prefers her mugs extra large because she really loves tea
* She’s really big on condiments (“I’ll have everything from vegan mayo to normal mayo to mint sauce.”)
* She has always preferred nighties but has recently got into pyjamas. |