Forget your budget woes – sit back and enjoy a game of Coral Bingo. Even if you don’t know much about online games, have a look here to find out what’s happening and who’s playing: http://www.coral.co.uk/bingo?external
“It’s one thing to hand a girl a glass of champagne, it’s another thing to hand a girl her own bottle” – Ne Yo
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|_| |_| 21.03.13 ISSUE 634
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* A very special announcement
* The light fingered entertainer
* Charts: The Saturdays are no 1
>> Help us! <<
Popbitch: The Next Generation
Back when Popbitch launched at the turn of the century black and white text emails were relatively advanced. We’ve kept going with them rather than make changes that no-one really wanted just for the sake of it. But we’ve spent the last few months looking into what else we could do on iPads and other tablets. And we reckon we could have some fun.
Over the years we’ve come into contact with brilliant journalists, film-makers, cartoonists and photographers, both world famous names and unknown talents. We want to give them a platform to do some really good things.
The free weekly newsletter will stay as it is (except hopefully get to you a bit easier as we upgrade our tech). This project is something new and extra. Help us by backing it on Kickstarter,
In return for your money we’re offering everything from a copy of this limited edition digital magazine, a treasure trove of Old Jokes, Decade of Popbitch email, invites to PB parties (around the world, not just in London) and the chance to promote a cause or a charity close to your heart to the 350,000+ subscribers of Popbitch. And we want your help shaping its tone, style and content.
Popebitch II: “Pope Francis” is an anagram of “penis of crap”.
>> Direct approach <<
When nepotism bites
After We Need To Talk About Kevin it seemed the world was director Lynne Ramsay’s oyster. No longer. On the first day of shooting of Jane Got A Gun this week the cast, including Natalie Portman, and crew were on set and ready to go. Only one thing was missing. The director.
Having invested a million dollars of his own money in it, producer Scott Steindorff was in angry mood. “I will protect all my rights” he was quoted as saying. “This comes down to an irresponsible act by one person.” Good luck to him sorting this out through Lynne Ramsey’s rep, Jessica Steindorff. Scott’s daughter.
Say what you like about Chris Maloney, but at least he acts like a proper pop star. 10am Wine on X Factor tour bus, no less!
>> Behind bars <<
Playing twix on the press
Stories of Chris Huhne being a hero to fellow lags circulated everywhere yesterday. Hmmm… The source was silver-tongued con artist “Fast” Eddie Davenport, who may have been having a bit of early April Fools fun at the Telegraph’s expense.
Apparently the inmates have been offering to treat Huhne to “little extras” – like “a Twix”. Or perhaps it was “a Stinky Twix”, as they’ve been known to be popular inside…
Urban Dictionary:
“A stinky Twix is when two males simultaneously insert their penises, side by side, into the anus of a third party, much like how a Twix has two bars side by side in one serving.”
Sir Ian McKellen doesn’t like horses.
>> Oh, Kay… <<
Light-fingered entertainer
lovelight writes:
“Plenty of staff have been looting BBC Television Centre, but Vernon Kay’s attempts to take several dressing room signs were so blatant during Graham Norton’s BBC Three chat show that he was escorted away”.
Poor old Coolio’s pulling power isn’t what it was. The girls at Whisky Mist this week didn’t seem too impressed with his gangsta chat.
>> Big questions <<
What people are asking
Which married singer with a new album due out has been told by his team to stop shagging around as it might jeopardise the release? They’re keeping an eye on him from now on.
The American badger has interesting food tastes – in the winter it digs up hibernating animals and then eats them.
>> Going south <<
Lack of interest in Church
Charlotte Church was singing at SXSW last week. She and a friend were photographed leaving a venue in an ambulance. A genuine news item worthy of comment? Who knows. Photographers claim that no UK paper or magazine would run the story because she’s in Hacked Off.
Now we’ve heard a taster we’re looking forward to the new Pet Shop Boys-meets-Stuart Price album.
>> Pressing matters <<
What the papers say and say
You’re probably sick to death of hearing politicians, celebrities and hacks pontificating about press regulation. We’ll spare you any more, but here are some of good reads on the subject:
“If he acts like this with Hugh Grant, what’s going to happen when it’s the Chinese on the phone?”
“The cases that matter a whole lot more than the intrusion into Hugh Grant’s voicemail”
“Chill free speech and threaten the survival of small publishers and Internet sites”
This week’s Swedish lesson. The phrase for “final sale” is “slut spurt.”
>> Hero or zero <<
The grass is always greener
Weird how the world seems to work at the moment:
* Whistleblowing to the press if you work in the NHS – heroes!
* Whistleblowing to the press if you work in the police – arrested!
Andy Coulson was spotted lunching with Dylan Jones at the Delaunay.
>> Human nature <<
What else is in our burgers
We’re not ones for getting swept up with outrageous conspiracies but we were talking to a journo who has worked in the countryside for a long time and she said that if punters had any idea how some abattoirs work, the sorts of people who would have been responsible for getting horsemeat into the foodchain and the alarming frequency at which migrant workers disappear completely they’d all be down the bookies and putting the boiler money on human DNA being the next thing found in ready meals.
Popbitch Popquiz is back on 15th April at the Player, Soho, 7pm. Enter your team or find out more by emailing comp@popbitch.com
>> Hmmms <<
Cars, Mode, Cows
Pete Murphy from Bauhaus is confused, possibly high, in a car accident in LA, driving a Subaru Forester:
Depeche Mode’s new album is streamed live on iTunes. It’s OK:
Beware the Ministry Of Truth – Privacy laws now extended to pets?
Thanks to: AC, JB, CT, DL, C, SW, PD, AG, L, SW, SD, thebestnameshavegone, SW, DY, sydbarretthomes, theabominablehoman, M, bobbifleckmann, deep_stoat, mountstnobody
Old Jokes Home:
If you want the joke, it’s on our Kickstarter pledge page…
Still Bored
An excellent report on 3D printing: