Now that Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have tested positive for Covid-19 (and the theory that cocaine kills off coronavirus has been widely debunked) celebrities are going to have to be doubly careful about who they pal about with in the coming weeks.
Luckily for them, Popbitch readers answered our call, so we’ve been able to add to our list of notable walkers and washers.
SPOTTED SINK-DODGERS: Adrian Chiles, Rachel Johnson, Chris Eubank, Jo Whiley, James Corden, Steve Coogan, Justin Bieber (seen in the Carlton Hotel in Cannes not washing his hands after a shit, then doing meet-and-greets with waiting fans outside)
FASTIDIOUS HANDWASHERS: Paul Weller, Charlie from Busted, Yoko Ono, Gillian Anderson (who doesn’t much care for the slowness of the hand-dryers at the Curzon Mayfair)
HIT-AND-MISS: Alex James (declined to shake a fellow celebrity’s hand in the Groucho with the excuse “I won’t shake your hand, I’ve just had a piss” – which is disgusting, but also kind of considerate) |