There’s a battle afoot at the Baby Shard as to who will succeed John Witherow in the editor’s chair at the Times. At the minute, it’s between Witherow’s current deputy editor (Tony Gallagher) and his former one (Emma Tucker; currently editor of the Sunday Times).
If they’re after someone digitally-minded and well-liked, then Emma is the obvious choice. The Sunday Times drives a lot of traffic and subscriptions, and her weekend stewardship of the website is something she’s proud (and fiercely protective) of.
If, on the other hand, they’re after someone who isn’t digitally-minded and well-liked, then Tony is filling that niche admirably. After conference one day last week, he was overheard griping about Emma’s habit of jealously guarding the site and suggesting that something needed to be done about her.
In fact, he was overheard by everyone who had been on the recent Google Hangout, as it was still running and he didn’t realise they were all able to hear him. |