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Quality urban art rarities: Obey, Lucy Mclachlan, Rene Gagnon, Sas Christian,
Banksy, Cauty, Kozik, Mau Mau… many more added Thursday from 8pm (every week)
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“I think I’ll avoid the gym for a while… I might get mobbed” – Lauren Goodger
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|_| |_| 18.09.14 ISSUE 707
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* Baskets of the rich & famous
* TV’s sneaky policemen
* Charts: Sigma v Prof Green for no 1
>> Secrets and Liars <<
Chomsky commits Hari-kiri
Noam Chomsky is finally getting round to thinking about his official biography.
And who is lined up to write it… step forward, Mr Johann Hari!
FYI: We’ve got more on Mr Hari and his chum Russell Brand in the brand-new-out-today Popbitch magazine. Not to mention more than you’d want to see of Darius.
One of Ed Sheeran’s earliest childhood memories is going to an “intimate Damien Rice gig”.
>> Tricky Vicky <<
You don’t bring me flowers
Victoria Derbyshire left 5Live recently.
Much to their surprise, she tearfully hugged all the staff who’d felt terrorised by her over the years.
But then she reverted to form when they noticed she’d walked out of the studio, post-hugs, leaving behind the flowers they’d had a whip-round to buy for her.
Two Bonds, Timothy Dalton and Daniel Craig, live on the same street in Chiswick.
>> Big Questions <<
Who wants to know what?
Which Irish singer had an unusual love trifecta with her manager and his wife… an ‘arrangement’ which lasted more than eight years?
Tony Adams, spotted on the train from Bath to London “Very charming and helping old ladies and women with pushchairs. I shit you not.”
>> Frothing at the mouth <<
How the media covers politics
For the last US Presidential election, political media and pollsters wanked themselves – and everyone – up into a froth over how close it was going to be. The result, as anyone who looked at the statisticians or the betting exchanges knew, was a foregone conclusion. A whopping victory for Obama.
This month, the media and pollsters have been, er, wanking themselves up into a froth about how close the Scottish Independence referendum is. Despite the polls predicting “Yes”, the betting exchanges haven’t wavered much from suggesting a stonking (8%/10%) majority for “No”. This morning odds on a majority No vote stand at 1-5. If, once again, this is right and the media are wrong, will anyone have the decency to look embarrassed?
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Issue Seven of Popbitch Magazine OUT NOW “See Yuz The Noo, Lads” IndyRef Special!
In this issue, we tackle:
– How popcorn is killing cinema
– Why we love to hate-read columnists
– The veracity of Will Smith’s bragging
– The Jackson 5 becoming the Jackson 4.5
– Russell’s branding issues
PLUS photo galleries, cartoons, jokes and much more scurrilous gossip… Just £1.49
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>> Checkmate <<
Hollywood v Essex
Reality TV star, Lauren Goodger, in her column in New magazine brought us the lowdown on the CBB house. Very bottom of the housemates was Gary Busey. “He’s very hard work” explains the TOWIE cast member, patronisingly, “But we all try to help him and include him in things”.
That’s Gary Busey – Hollywood star… and Celebrity Big Brother’s runaway winner.
Nicole Scherzinger is said to be considering a role in Cats (coming soon to the London Palladium…)
>> Popbits <<
Covering all the bases
1. The worst John Newman impression we’ve seen.
(Clue: It’s John Newman) Link
2. The best Sean Connery impression we’ve seen.
(Clue: It’s Jerry Sadowitz) Link
3. The only R Kelly cover you’ll ever need.
(A crackhead sings Bump ‘n’ Grind. Brilliantly). Link