Now that Priti Patel’s bullying allegations have been comprehensively undealt with, it’s time to address the other murky scandal concerning her past: her schooling.
A common line in profiles about Priti Patel is that she attended Watford Grammar School for Girls with Liz Kendall and Geri Halliwell. The claim reappeared in the Sunday Times just this weekend – but, as staff and alumni are getting pretty sick of pointing out, she didn’t go there.
What’s more, Priti is aware this misunderstanding is causing issues for the school. WGGS has complained to her constituency office about how they have to keep fielding inquiries about her, but the most her staff has done is offer sympathy for the confusion, then claim to be powerless to correct the editorial content of media outlets.
Yet the one place that she could provide some clarity on the matter – Priti’s own website – is curiously vague about it all too, saying only that she was “educated at a comprehensive girls school in Watford” but not actually naming any place in particular.
Maybe you think it’s weird of us to care about this. And maybe it is. But is it any more weird than knowingly letting a fib circulate that you went to school with a Spice Girl? |