We told subscribers to our premium-edition Club Popbitch email a story on Monday about a certain popstar who fired her longterm band over the pandemic and replaced them all with session musicians who were willing to do the same work for a fraction of the price(/job security).
Such selfishness is not uncommon in the industry but, thankfully, it’s not the case with everyone.
When Björk tours, she likes to space out her shows, trying only to perform once every 4-7 days to protect her voice. Where many touring artists would only pay their musicians a full rate for days when they actually had shows (and then a lower rate/lunch money for non-show days) Björk doesn’t let her musicians suffer as a result of her own schedule.
Not only does she pay them full show rates for every day they’re out on tour – show or not – she puts them all up in the same hotel as her and has them all fly the same class too. |