As it’s May the 4th, we thought we’d revisit a couple of Star Wars stories from the Popbitch archive.
During the filming of Episode III: Revenge Of The Sith, crew members on set kept walking into the soundstage loos to find that someone had been laying huge, coiled turds on top of the closed toilet lids.
The mystery dumper kept no regular schedule and made their mark in both the gents and the ladies. Urgent memos went up on noticeboards around the set appealing to the crapper’s sense of dignity to stop, but to no avail. The turds continued.
The identity was never confirmed but execs were certain it was an inside job and the culprit they suspected most? A cast member. Practically the only one who had returned to join the cast for the third film, and the third film alone.
Peter Mayhew – a.k.a. Chewbacca. |