NW writes:
“I was staying at the Lowry Hotel in Manchester eight years ago when the Stone Roses did their reunion gigs at Heaton Park. Was about three in the morning as I was heading up to my room, and got chatting to a bloke in the lift.
“I asked him what he thought of the gig and he said, ‘I’ve come from New York to see them.’ I was like, ‘Yeah, I came all the way from Sydney, wouldn’t have missed it for the world.’
“He said he’d played in Sydney a few times and reeled off a load of gig venues, so I was like, ‘Ah yes, I know them. Which band are you in?’ and he said, ‘Mark Ronson’s.’ I was like, ‘Fab, what do you play?’
“And he goes, ‘I am Mark Ronson.'” |