okayeoiny writes:
“Your mention of the MTV Music Awards in Dublin brings back memories. My brother and I were in college in Dublin in 1999, around the same time that the movie Mallrats came to our attention. There’s a move in Mallrats called “stink-palming” where you basically reef the sweaty arsehole off yourself to get your hand as stinky as possible, then vigorously shake someone’s hand, passing on the stink of your arse to their hand.
“We waited with some smallish crowds in the freezing cold outside some hotel, hands in cracks as limos pulled up with A-listers checking into their hotels. We weren’t having much luck until finally one popped out of his limo, shaking only one hand, in a massive prolonged arm-wrestler type handshake. It was none other than Puff Daddy! And the hand he shook was my brother’s.
“Sorry, Puffy. I’m sure you always wondered how your hand stank that night in Dublin.” |