anon writes:
“I went to secondary school with Stormzy. When we moved into 6th form, the school implemented a new sanction point rule where if you received 15 points across the year at any stage you would be expelled. I can’t remember what they were for (I guess maybe swearing, being late, etc) but Stormzy received all 15 in the first day. The only problem was that he was so smart the teachers didn’t want to lose him from the school, so they let him off.”
MrsD writes:
“I was at Newcastle Uni with Tim Farron, one-time leader of the Lib Dems. It was the early 90s and oddly strong bottled ciders had just taken off. His party trick was necking a bottle of K cider then catching ‘the bounce’ in a bucket (i.e. the cider went down in one, his stomach rejected it and then it all bounced straight back up again. Every time. And only ever K.)”
KV writes:
“I was unfortunate enough to go to Dumbarton school from 1981 where a certain Catherine Zeta Jones was in my class. I remember her crying like a baby because she wasn’t picked for the part of Nancy in Oliver.” |