In any big break-up, there’s always one possession that gets tussled over. In the case of AMI and Dylan Howard, it’s been RadarOnline.
Poor Radar. It came from such ignoble beginnings – funded initially by Harvey Weinstein, then by Jeffrey Epstein – before ending up in David Pecker’s writhing crime pit: American Media, Inc.
Now Pecker and Howard are trying to palm it off on each other, because neither seems to want it. AMI tried to include it as part of his severance/shut-the-fuck-up package, but Dyldo refused it – and wisely so. As its outgoing editor, he knows better than anyone that he managed to tank its unique visitor count under 4,000 readers a month.
And with his gout playing up as much as it is at the minute, he’s just not going to have the headspace to turn those numbers around. |