Popbitch Popquiz // Easter 2020

Four day weekends aren’t quite so exciting when you’re in the middle of a months-long lockdown – so to help bring a bit of filth and frivolity to your Easter Weekend, we’ve put together a play-at-home quarantine edition of the Popbitch Popquiz.

Containing all the questions, answers, worksheets, puzzle pages and audio files you need – now you can stage your own version of the legendary Popbitch Popquiz with friends (and possibly family, if you don’t mind talking about celebrities pissing and punching in front of them…)

Buy your copy here for just £5 and download it now – ready for the weekend.

Get Your Play-At-Home Popquiz Here

After purchase, PayPal should automatically take you to a download page. If for any reason it doesn’t, we’ll also be regularly emailing download links to new purchasers – but if you have any issues with ordering, downloading or anything else, please don’t hesitate to email quiz@popbitch.com.

The Popbitch Popquiz Bundle


We also wanted to do something to help support those affected by the hiatus of our IRL quiz. So we’ve also put together a slightly bigger quiz bundle – which includes a copy of our 30 page Popbitch Puzzlebook too.

A portion of the proceeds from the larger Popbitch Popquiz Bundle will be split evenly between two organisations helping those in the hospitality and theatre industries currently out of work.

The bundle contains the Easter Popbitch Popquiz and the Popbitch Puzzlebook for just £7.50.

Get Your Popquiz Bundle Here

After purchase, PayPal should automatically take you to a download page. If for any reason it doesn’t, we’ll also be regularly emailing download links to new purchasers – but if you have any issues with ordering, downloading or anything else, please don’t hesitate to email quiz@popbitch.com.