Popbitch Popquiz // Scarlet Edition

To help you through this third, especially tedious lockdown, we’ve put together another special downloadable edition of the legendary Popbitch Popquiz for you to play at home, over Zoom, or in whatever socially distanced space you find yourself.

The quiz contains eight rounds in total – five rounds of questions, one activity round and two puzzle pages to be completed at teams’ leisure – and costs just £5.

Scarlet Edition – £5

ft. A vaguely Valentine’s themed quiz, with a deeply sexy audio round, celebrity lookalike couples, a legendary shaggers wordsearch, seduction techniques of the rich and famous, a 2021 edition of ‘Kardashian Episode or Kindle Erotica?’ – and more…

NOTE: Contains some dirty words.

Popbitch Popquiz: Play-At-Home


After purchase, PayPal should automatically take you to a download page. If for any reason it doesn’t, we’ll also be regularly emailing download links to new purchasers – but if you have any issues with ordering, downloading or anything else, please don’t hesitate to email quiz@popbitch.com.