For Whom Libel Tolls

Jack Monroe’s recent victory in the courts has landed Katie Hopkins with a pretty sizeable legal bill – one that dwarfs the actual cost of the damages awarded. How do legal bills get so big? And what are they actually paying for? We tried to find out…

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Courting Danger

If we sound like know-it-alls for telling Katie Hopkins what she should have done, it’s only because we learned the lesson ourselves – and we learned it the hard way. What can you expect if you ever try to pick up a fight with someone over a threat of defamation? Something like this…

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Try Hard II: Try Harder

And so, as it was foretold, Melania Trump has filed a defamation suit against the Daily Mail’s website MailOnline after it intimated that she was a whore. The man behind this case? Why, it’s our old pal, Charles J Harder – Attorney At Law!

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Part II: Return Of The Gag

The standout legal case in the British courts this year was PJS v News Group Newspapers. Olive oil sex parties were all that anyone could talk about back in April – but now that all the hubbub surrounding it has died down, the ruling in that case is casting a rather large shadow. One that is getting darker and darker…

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