Even though the incident is nearly a decade old, the Murdoch papers have been very keen to run stories on the extreme pornography supposedly found on Damian Green’s laptop in 2008. Yet when a very similar story did the rounds back in 2014, they weren’t so interested.
What could have changed their minds? Well, we’ve since voted to leave the EU and Damian Green (a Remain supporter) has become deputy Prime Minister. Obviously it’s in the interests of prominent Brexiteers like Rupert Murdoch to get someone a little more Brexit-y in as Theresa May’s right hand man.
But something else has changed too.
When the story was handed to journalists in 2014, the details were almost exactly the same – except for one: the type of pornography allegedly on Green’s laptop. It was still legal (barely legal, you might say) but it was a different genre to the stuff that Murdoch journalists are talking about now.
Was it that changed detail that finally got the story commissioned? Or was it the changed political landscape? Guess we’ll have to wait for the investigation to find out… |