
Secret Agents

How do you manage to keep your illicit affair with a unwisely young runner secret in an industry that absolutely runs on gossip? You need expert media handlers – and some of the best in the business are YMU, formerly James Grant. How did they manage to keep Schofield safe all these years? Here’s a part of the puzzle…

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Royal Blush

For years, the Royal Family’s motto has been ‘Never Complain, Never Explain’ and Prince Andrew has neatly demonstrated why. It takes real finesse to talk your way out of a suspiciously close friendship with a suspected international child-trafficker – and Andy absolutely spooned it on his first go. So here’s a few notes for His Royal Highness for next time…

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IV/ Art Of The Dyl

Despite the millions of dollars that some of its sketchy, secretive investors ploughed into it, Radar Magazine failed to take off. But it’s not as if these guys got nothing for their money. Far from it. Being a member of the Radar Investors’ Circle has ended up having a few pretty nifty perks for those involved…

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III/ The Coalition

Shortly before they both invested in Radar Magazine, Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein teamed up to make a totally different media acquisition. As part of a larger collective of billionaires, millionaires and other media mavens, the deviant duo tried to buy up New York Magazine. Why? To get its nose out of their business…

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II/ A Social Animal

Harvey Weinstein wasn’t the only suspect investor to stump up funds for Radar. Jeffrey Epstein whipped out his chequebook too. But what possible reason could a notoriously secretive billionaire with myriad ties to high society and a rumoured penchant for sex with young girls have for wanting to own a stake in a celebrity gossip magazine?

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I/ Talk Of The Town

When a huge wave of allegations against Harvey Weinstein hit the headlines in 2017, reports quickly followed about the secret network of journalists and editors he had working for him in the shadows, helping to suppress negative stories. How did Harvey go about getting his gruff, sticky fingers into the print media pie in the first place? It’s a pretty interesting story…

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The United States Of American Media, Inc. II: Back On The Radar

Ever since it became engulfed in hush money scandals and attempted blackmail plots, the National Enquirer has caused no end of problems for its parent company American Media, Inc. But now it looks as though the embattled AMI is going to have to fight on another front too. Why? Because the mysterious death of a rather notorious criminal has got people sniffing around his financial history. And that might bring AMI a whole new world of trouble…

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The Dead Cats Society

Of all the strange contortions involved in trying to rationalise Donald Trump’s most recent racist tirade, one of the strangest is the idea that Trump is actually making an extremely smart PR move. Why have we all become so obsessed with these Dead Cat tactics? And why do we see them everywhere we look?

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The Bip Issue

Rumours involving a mad shagger MP and a relatively obscure internet celebrity have been doing the rounds in media circles this last week, but very little of it has ended up making it to print. So what’s the deal with this Bip Ling and Boris Johnson story? Has Boris actually bonked an internet influencer? Or have we all finally lost our minds?

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PM Tea

As the nation buckles in for another grippingly gaffe-riddled Tory leadership contest, there’s no real telling which scandals and secrets will shake loose (and which will stay covered). So it looks like it’s time for Popbitch to do its national duty and give you a proper rundown of the candidates.

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