Baboon v Badger: 10 Years On

It’s been ten years since the question was first posed to David Cameron by an anonymous internet poster on the comments section of the Brighton Argus website – and we’ve worked tirelessly to find an answer: Who would win in a fight between a baboon and a badger? Here’s what the celebrity world has to say…

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Porkie Pies

Much has been made of David Cameron’s decision to stand down from Parliament. Is he too lazy to help his constituents? Too greedy to turn down lucrative speaking gigs? To proud to serve under another PM? Or could it possibly be that Cameron is finally looking to take revenge for that pigfucking stuff?

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Mucky Business

Ever since Catherine The Great’s detractors tried to posthumously discredit her by spreading stories that she died shagging a horse, zoophilia has been the stickiest celebrity rumour to shake. Why are we so drawn to tales of barnyard bonking – even when they’re always absolute nonsense?

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