Part II: Return Of The Gag

The standout legal case in the British courts this year was PJS v News Group Newspapers. Olive oil sex parties were all that anyone could talk about back in April – but now that all the hubbub surrounding it has died down, the ruling in that case is casting a rather large shadow. One that is getting darker and darker…

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Part III: Battle Royal

The British Press and the Royal Family have enjoyed a rather fractious relationship over the years. While they seem to broadly respect the Queen and the heirs apparent, the rest of the Royal hangers-on seem to get a fairly rum deal. That could be about to change rather dramatically though…

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Pressing On

So where do we go from here? How do we escape from this corner that we have apparently painted ourselves into? There’s too much at stake for us all to finally cede defeat to the celebrities and fall in line with whatever they want. Isn’t there?

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Girlfriend In A Comma

Ever since pregnancy rumours were sparked, reportage of Cheryl Cole has been a blizzard of quote marks. After months of speculation with no official statement on the matter, Cheryl has now appeared in public looking very much pregnany – but subeditors don’t seem to know how to react…

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Crack Pots II: Further Cracks

As Savile-esque allegations start pouring in about Donald Trump, it may be tempting to write his campaign off as finally doomed. But as we’ve been saying from the start, if you really want to understand how Trump’s core support works, you need to look carefully at the career of the crack-smoking Mayor, Rob Ford.

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Finding The Value Of X

The X Factor often gets accused of being formulaic, but if that was really the case they wouldn’t need to waste so much of everybody’s time with auditions and bootcamps and the like. So we’ve tried to figure it out. We did some deep statistical analysis on the contest’s winners and now we’re ready to save Simon Cowell some serious man hours…

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Harder Times

12 months ago, Charles Harder’s most notable legal success was getting Jude Law’s face taken off a Canadian fireplace advert. Then he was better known as the man who brought down Gawker. But now as an unprecedented tussle between politics, the press and pop culture personalities rages on, who is standing in the centre of it all…? Charles Harder.

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Lines Of Enquiry

Unlike the rest of us gullible fools who thought that Brad and Angelina would be together forever, the National Enquirer knew what was up. Ever since the day they married, the Enquirer has been telling us that Brangelina’s marriage was over – for at least two years now. Well done, guys! Looks like you called it!

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