KoS writes:
“I was at school with Chris Morris. He was always entertaining classmates with impersonations of staff members. Teachers would normally sit at desks at the front of the classroom that were raised quite high and, between lessons, Chris was prone to clambering on to the raised platform to the accompaniment of The Who’s Baba O’Riley, clutching a broomstick, leaping from the dais with legs spread wide, while windmilling wildly.”
E writes:
“I was at college in Brighton at the same time as Gwendoline Christie. She was bang into indie music and was generally known as the Girl From Mars – thanks to her height and the Ash song.”
S writes:
“I went to uni with Iain Rougvie before he became known as Iain Lee. At one of my earliest student parties, he hypnotised me into thinking I was JR Hartley (off of the Yellow Pages ad). And later, that my hands were glued to the back of a chair.”
capedmarauder writes:
“The BBC’s Robin Hood, Jonas Armstrong, was at my school. He used to try and flick people’s balls and penises while they used the urinal. I don’t think it was sexual. We were only about nine years old.” |