One enterprising hack has had cause this last week to remember his most successful trick for infiltrating celebrity security.
At a big international awards show a few years back, the press was finding it pretty tough to get any access anywhere, so this guy decides to go back to his hotel, get changed and order a limo to take him to the big celebrity hotel across town.
With his bleached blond hair and suit, he obviously looked the part as the doorman let him straight through with a cordial “Welcome back, sir!”
As he sat in the lobby, drinking coffee while Madonna, All Saints and other such stars strolled by, a tall, suited man on a walkie-talkie came over to ask if he was a guest of the hotel.
Afraid he was about to be rumbled he replied “No, but I’m waiting for a friend who’s a guest here.”
To which the bodyguard smiled. “Ah,” he said. “You’re a friend of George Michael’s… Have a nice day!” |