Piers Morgan has been getting a lot of favourable attention for his interviews with government ministers recently, holding their feet to the flames more firmly than most. Before he gets too puffed up though, here’s a little story to ground him.
Back in his newsroom days, one of the ways that Piers was known to exert his masculinity was by placing his foot up on the desk of any attractive female reporter he was talking to; a move that made his crotch a little more prominent than was perhaps necessary.
One afternoon, Piers had assumed this position on someone’s desk and was telling her that he would pay for her to fly anywhere in the world to get a story. One veteran reporter who had just stumbled back from an eight-pint lunch overheard this offer, so grabbed his passport – which he kept in one of those big leather holders.
Full of liquid courage, he shouted “You might as well have this, because you never fucking send me anywhere” and flung it full force at his editor.
Thanks to Piers’ stance, it caught him square in the knackers. |