Obviously we all know the Royal Family is composed of ten-foot reptilian shape-shifters who drink blood, feast on children and worship Satan. That’s why everyone was so delighted for Barbados this week when they cut themselves loose from the British monarchy and declared Rihanna their national hero instead.
But such celebrations might be premature. For years, someone has been emailing Popbitch regular dispatches exposing the ‘truth’ about Rihanna – and the stories they relay make the Queen sound like Shirley Temple in comparison. Sure, Liz might have bumped off Diana but, according to this whistleblower, Rihanna:
* Has taken out hits on five music industry execs over the years, each murdered by a paid assassin for various slights
* Cultivated close ties with the police, who refuse to investigate any accusations made of her because she pays them off (and possibly has sex with them)
* Was, for a significant period, possessed by the Devil
* Threatened to kill a nurse who recognised her in ER
* Dabbles in voodoo to smite her enemies and once lost a nipple in a voodoo counter-attack |