A few years back, after appearing on a BBC show, Toby Young was bundled off in a cab on the Beeb’s account. Not long after he’d arrived home, the perpetually furious Young rang the taxi company to inform them that he’d left his phone in their cab and wanted the driver to come back to his house immediately.
The company explained that, as the driver was no longer on the BBC’s time, Mr Young would have to pay for that journey himself – which prompted some ranting and raving, saying that it was “fucking outrageous” he be asked to pay.
Eventually the cab came back, and he and the driver searched it from top to bottom but found no phone, inspiring yet more effing and blinding – this time directed at the driver, who Young appeared to blame for the entire incident.
A short while later, the cab firm took another call: this time from the BBC, asking if someone would mind coming back to collect Mr Young’s phone and delivering it to his home – as he’d absent-mindedly left it behind in the studio… |